5 Feet of Fury

Interview with Elvira, Mistress of the Dark


…right after I left Vegas, I moved to France and got a job as a dancer in the Folies Bergere. But I didn’t make it past rehearsals because they were all so rude to me. The girls didn’t like me first because I was an American, and second because I was so much younger than they were, so they treated me horribly and I quit before my first performance. Another girl in the Folies quit along with me and we went to Rome. The first night we were in Rome, we were walking down this street in the oldest part of Rome, and we ran into a movie crew filming a movie right in the street. And believe it or not, a guy comes over to me from the crew that I had known from Las Vegas. He said he was working on the crew for Federico Fellini who was shooting a movie called Roma, and would I like to meet Mr. Fellini!

And I absolutely idolized Fellini so I said of course I would! He takes me over to him and he immediately asked me if I wanted to be in the film…