5 Feet of Fury

Damage? Verdict in on ‘Heathers’ (1988)

Follow up from last week’s post…


If you haven’t seen Heathers in a while, you almost have to watch it twice, just so you can spend the first viewing doing what comes naturally: thinking in an endless loop, eyes wide and mouth agape, I can’t believe this movie got made, this movie could never get made now; I can’t believe this movie got made, this movie could never get made now …

Heathers’ prescience has served it well: Its hot-button concerns — teen suicide, bullying, and school shootings — are as toasty today as they were then (no passé warnings about the dangers of angel dust here), but it’s the superficially flip manner with which it treats those subjects that really stands out. (…)

The main reason that Heathers has aged so well is the banter. Much like Clueless, it created its own slang, which stands up far better than any based on a more historically accurate syntax. The lines make Westerburg High seem like a fully realized, if totally isolated, world.