5 Feet of Fury

If you’re still reading newspapers for some reason, you’re doing it upside down

Last night, my husband posted the full “apology” of caught-on-tape Vancouver rioter Camille Cacnio before she pulled it down.

(I told you about her earlier in the day as well.)

The parodies have begun, and the (real) “apology” has since been picked up by the Vancouver Sun and other newspapers.

Since I don’t read “real” newspapers much anymore, it took one of my readers to inform me of this:

Reading the comments at —> The Globe & Mail <— re her apology. Pages in and 100% are against her. I confess, I am impressed.

If our Prime Minister could wake up and shut down the CBC and let the people speak for themselves, we would find a much more conservative country (outside Quebec) than our Establishment has led us to believe.

We are being held hostage a fraction of the population in the media, the universities and the senior civil service. The rioters thought they were acting out a Canadian “Arab spring” in the streets. With any luck, we might just a real revolution instead.


If you MUST read newspapers, do so online (so they don’t get your money) and START with the comments.

Often, you’ll be shocked to discover that there are many more people who agree with you out there than you ever expected.

Some of them are better writers than the reporters. They share personal stories you won’t read elsewhere. And sometimes their jokes are keepers.

In other words:

The real “news” is in the comments.

Imagine how your morale would improve if you got into the habit of reading newspapers upside down.

PS: is anyone else shocked that the Georgia Straight‘s leftie readership hasn’t pressured them to change their heteronormative name by now…?