5 Feet of Fury

First they want to get ‘married,’ now they’re developing a lucrative sideline as crybaby tattletales

When did gays become such bring-downs?

Anyway, SHECKY reports yet another “stand up comic has to apologize to gays” incident; please read the whole thing:

Koy no doubt thought he had a pass by virtue of his frequent appearances on gay-friendly Chelsea Handler‘s late-night talk show. Turns out obtaining this pass is trickier than anyone can imagine.

We’ve been warning folks about such persecution for quite some time now. For years. Way back when, we told folks that they had better not throw Larry the Cable Guy under the bus. Initially, it might be white males with southern accents who are sacrificed to the PC gods, but we cautioned that they were just getting warmed up. (“They” being any group who feels aggrieved and who has the juice and the knowhow to whip the MSM into a righteous, anti-comedian frenzy. It might be a group that insists on spelling “womyn” with a “y,” or it might be the League of United Latin American Citizens or it might be GLAAD.)

Eventually, they got around to Sarah Silverman, then they set their sights on other trophies. When will it stop? It won’t.