5 Feet of Fury

They told me if I voted for John McCain, there’d be race riots — and they were right!

I doubt Instapundit would approve of my tweeking one of his famous formulations for my post title, but the temptation was too great.

Ah yes, post-racial America! Don’t you love it?

First there were all those Memorial Day weekend rampages, with blacks around the nation specifically targeting whites (often gay whites) who were trying to enjoy a rare respite from work and other responsibilities, and spend some time with there families.

Apparently, these were concepts the black rioters were distinctly unfamiliar with, and certainly didn’t approve of. So they demonstrated their resentment and confusion in predictable fashion.

And thanks to Ann Coulter for, as usual, bravely articulating in such a timely fashion what I’ve been trying to say for years, to the annoyance of so many so-called conservatives:

That the Civil Rights Movement(tm) rewarded and therefore legitimized mob behavior.

Last night, a loyal 5FF reader sent me a link to this story, which, in typical legacy journalism fashion, buried the identities of the perps as far down as they could.

Wouldn’t want it to get out that literal race riots were going on in California, between Latinos and blacks.

That won’t make a very nice award winning HBO mini-series!

Here’s a think piece about the problem, entitled “No, Dr. King, your daughter can’t go to Funtown.”

Among other things, it contains the hilarious revelation that King’s practically-holy-writ “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” should have had a sequel or two by now — but the would-be authors probably were far less literate than Dr. King, so:

Theme parks are just the latest thing that Americans can simply no longer enjoy.  They can dramatically increase their prices to try to keep out what Dale Peterson called the “thugs and criminals” but that just leads to the forces of political correctness having special “ethnic days” which lead to the same kind of chaos as a peace festival.

They can try to enforce decorum on their newly diversified workforces but that just leads to lawsuits.  They can hire lots of security, but that leads to increased costs and them being driven out of business or more lawsuits if they do their jobs.

So, instead, we get what we saw at Alabama Adventure yesterday.  Alabama Adventure is a water park built largely through the funding that the African-American mayor of Birmingham Larry Langford raised through municipal bond issuesThe park was called Visionland, but predictably failed within four years and had to be rescued through a private company that renamed it Alabama Adventure.

Larry Langford himself followed in the footsteps of other great black mayors such as Marion Barry, Kwame Kilpatrick, and Sharpe James by being arrested for corruption and sent to jail.

Actually, he was just following in the footsteps of the first black mayor of Birmingham, Richard Arrington, who was also arrested and sent to prison...

PS — lest anyone think I am 100% anti-riot, here’s a contribution from another emailer:

This riot is perfectly understandable.

Like the emailer, I was amused to see that this young libertarian dude obviously didn’t know the difference between stockings and pantyhose.

But not surprised.