5 Feet of Fury

First, Second Amendment hero Joel Rosenberg dies suddenly

Ed Morrissey remembers a friend:

Without a doubt, Joel could be provocative and challenging in his pursuit to demand the most freedom under the Second Amendment possible.  That got him in trouble on several occasions, and Joel faced charges relating to gun possession in Minneapolis.

The stress of fighting the legal battle certainly had to have contributed in some way to his sudden illness and death, and the legal and medical bills are going to weigh heavily on Felicia and the family.

I’d like to ask Hot Air readers to find some way to contribute to Joel’s defense fund at this link to help Felicia put that stress behind her in honor of the lifetime of good work Joel performed on our behalf.  If you can’t swing that, consider buying Joel’s latest book, The Carry Book: Minnesota Edition, a great book, with terrific advice even for outside Minnesota.

Rest in peace, Joel, and thank you for your great friendship. I am heartbroken at your passing.