5 Feet of Fury

NYTimes tech journalist hit wife with iPhone. (Allegedly.)

Your moral and intellectual superiors.

PS: Ross Douthat of the New York Times actually wrote this the other day:

But instead of shrugging as low-skilled workers jump the border to compete with the struggling American working class, our immigration policy should focus on recruiting well-educated migrants, opening the door to greater legal immigration from Asia, Africa and Europe.

As it happens, a system along these lines exists right now — in Canada. A recent report from the Manhattan Institute found that the United States still assimilates immigrants more successfully than many Western European countries. But culturally and economically, we lag well behind our northern neighbor when it comes to integrating new arrivals.

In part, this is because Canada fast-tracks immigrants to citizenship. But it’s also because Canada does more to recruit highly educated émigrés than the United States — and the Dominion’s more international, geographically diverse immigrant population probably discourages balkanization and self-segregation.


We just drove a visitor from Israel through Toronto over the weekend, showing him the black neighborhood (which used to be the Italian neighborhood — they LOVE that, believe me…), and the Jewish neighborhood, and the Hindu neighborhood…

(PS: he informed us that the neighborhood in Tel Aviv with the most crime, drugs and hookers is… the one full of African migrant workers! Shocking, I know.)

Anyhow, the NYT is the same newspaper that got the date of the moon landing wrong in Walter Cronkite’s obit.

The New York Times will close its doors between the next five to ten years.