5 Feet of Fury

So why didn’t High Park turn into another Oka or Caledonia?

No doubt the reasons are manifold and we’ll never know them all (and we have to stay vigilant) but clearly one very simple reason is this:

Ordinary people spoke up, early and loudly, at the risk of being called “racists.”

And instead, they got what they wanted!

And nothing bad happened to them!


I know: it’s incredible, isn’t it?

(Wimpy Canadians — “conservatives” in particular — take note.)

Life is so much simpler than you think it is. Your overcomplications are subconscious excuses to avoid taking risks and doing actual work, instead of just bitching on your website or around the water cooler.

And it’s nice to see Toronto Police acting like non-assholes for a change, and being on the “right” side.