5 Feet of Fury

Old people have more goddamn money than I do. And their stories suck.

Have you ever been to a casino? Old people are represented far and away above their actual percentage of the population, shoving their money into the slots.

Is this the revenge of the Indians against the white man?

If the races were reversed, and whites owned the casinos and took the Indians’ (which would, come to think of it, be my) money, can you imagine the faux outrage and moral preening?

Anyway, here’s Thomas Sowell:

As for the elderly, 80 percent are homeowners, whose monthly housing costs are less than $400, including property taxes, utilities, and maintenance.

The average wealth of older households is nearly three times the wealth of households headed by people in the 35 to 44-year-old bracket, and more than 15 times the wealth of households headed by someone under 35 years of age.

If the wealthiest segment of the population cannot pay their own medical bills, who can?