5 Feet of Fury

May 28 protest against Toronto’s racially segregated parkland

Remember this?

Luckily, not all Canadians are wimps…

CANACE, founded by Gary McHale, and the Caledonia Victims Project, founded by Mark Vandermaas, are holding an Information Rally in High Park in Toronto on May 28, 2011 in order to inform the public about the dangers to public safety regarding the ongoing illegal occupation of High Park by Native protesters. The illegal occupation in High Park is being conducted under the banner of Six Nations and Mohawk warriors.

The City of Toronto has already decided to fence off the park land where Native protesters have stated they will continue to use the land at will. There is little doubt non-Natives will be banned from the area in order to appease the protesters.

All who have read Christie Blatchford’s book Helpless: Caledonia’s Nightmare of Fear and Anarchy, and How the Law Failed All of Us are aware of the victimization of Haldimand residents by a small minority of Native extremists, and how government appeasement victimized innocent people. The public needs to be aware that these so-called peaceful occupations can lead to serious violence once governments refuse to uphold the Rule of Law.  […]