5 Feet of Fury

My tax dollars at play

Michael Coren on the blatant bias of the CBC — that I’m obliged to pay for:

In Ottawa, a crowd of as many as 18,000 people gathered to march in support of the unborn and to oppose abortion. The RCMP suggested the figure was closer to 10,000, and other experts on grid measurement thought 15,000 more accurate. Not the CBC though. They confidently explained that 5,000 people were at the peaceful gathering.

A mistake of a thousand or two I can believe, but a discrepancy of 200%! We can only thank our publicly funded stars that the same network — joined by most others in the mainstream media — tells us every year that more than a million people attend the gay pride parade in Toronto, when the police privately inform journalists that 200,000 is closer to the mark.

For a million people to be present, the crowd would have to stretch from the southern tip of Toronto to Barrie, Ont., more than 100 km north.