5 Feet of Fury

America should have picked its own cotton

Remember the loud cell phone lady I told you about earlier? Her name (I hope you’re sitting down) turns out to be “Lakeysha”!

PS: what he said (at least until the NRO moderator takes it down):

Why did she talk on the phone? Because she’s not allowed to – it’s called “gettin’ ovah on the man.”

On a related note, this is why Parking Wars shows why I’m politically homeless.

No, I don’t like the idea of uniformed dimwits writing chickenshit tickets based on the relentless numbers ticking down on a mechanical clock, and the State taking the money collected thereby and wasting it on — paying the salaries of the dimwits in uniforms…


I REALLY hate the car owners who insult, and in some cases, physically assault the uniformed dimwits because THEY are getting in trouble for breaking the rules that everyone else has to follow.

(It’s like how the angry, mixed up, lying customers on Hardcore Pawn literally can’t figure out that the owners are running a profit-making business and not a government charity devoted to serving them personally.)

So: I’m a libertarian for myself.

But a conservative for everybody else.