Barry Goldwater said the same thing.
The Federal Government shouldn’t tell people who they must do business with and allow on their property, even for a “good cause.”
You can’t tell me there wasn’t a State by State solution available to Jim Crow. They were State and local laws (and sometimes even just stubborn customs) and should have been dealt with as such.
It’s like FDR’s New Deal: if the Feds had just left well enough alone, the nation’s moral compass was already righting itself at the grassroots level.
The end result of the Civil Rights Act’s undoing of property rights is evident from Kelo to Obamacare to the Red/Blue divide that will never be undone, to court-ordered busing (and transsexual bathrooms, coming soon to Boston, from what I hear) and every local official who gets to tell you how high you can build a fence on your property.
Was that Woolworth’s milkshake really worth it?