5 Feet of Fury

Left behind: white working class abandon the Left after Left abandons them to court cute, exotic foreigners; the Left is the last to know

A round up of recent observations from around the West, none of which will shock long time 5FF readers.

The lower and working classes long ago abandoned traditional “Labor” parties for the BNP. Duh.

Of course, if you’re a Leftist, all that means is that everyone who switches from “Labor”/socialist to the BNP and similar parties is a “racist.”

Boy, that’s a LOT of “racists” and “extremists.” Millions and millions of ’em.

Are you sure you feel safe in your own countries, elite Leftist snobs?

You’re surrounded by “racists,” after all.

Isn’t it weird how everyone is a “racist” but you?

You don’t think that’s a sign of, like, mental illness or anything?

Like the guy who thinks only HE can detect those top secret government mind control rays, thanks to his handy tinfoil hat?

And are you prepared to admit that, after decades of indoctrinating the lower classes with your views about “racism,” they seem to be MORE “racist” than ever?

That is: are you prepared to admit that your life’s work has been an abject failure…?

Amazingly RELATED:

Obama’s wealthy donors need illegals so they can get cheap nannies, cooks and pool boys.

According to a May 4, 2011, report from the (liberal) Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, 76 percent of “hard-pressed Democrats” – defined as “religious, financially struggling” – agree with the statement: “Immigrants today … are a burden on our country because they take our jobs, housing and health care.”

As [Democrat blogger] Kausfiles observes, maybe financially struggling Democrats believe immigrants “take our jobs” because, in fact, they do.

Forget the grand arguments about whether illegals are hard workers and are a net plus to the beautiful American mosaic. We have skyrocketing unemployment. Our citizens are in distress. Now is not the time to be putting another anvil around the American worker’s neck.

The Democrats have now officially abandoned working-class Americans.

Obama is doing what’s in his and his party’s self-interest, rather than concerning himself with the mass of American citizens. He is using his executive authority to reward gays, illegal aliens, do-nothing government employees, far-left union bosses, abortion industry executives and global-warming kooks.

PLUS: the Sailer Strategy, for those still unfamiliar with it.