5 Feet of Fury

Andrew Breitbart talks to Adam Carolla about the decline of L.A. (hint: uh, Mexicans?) (BUMPED with video in which Breitbart endorses Carolla for GOP Presidential nominee)


“I’m in a ****in’ snowglobe full of retards and catshit.”

These two have talked before; this is an all new conversation. (FREE audio).

I’ve been to L.A. once when (Arnie doesn’t like it when I say what I usually say, so I’ll say) it was less Mexican. I was there for a weekend so my opinions don’t matter.

(A friend who escaped from L.A., though, tells me all about it. Not pretty.)

Anyway, I still want to push my ill-informed opinions on you, or I wouldn’t be blogging, so I’ll ask this, from the vantage point of a total outsider:

Wasn’t Los Angeles ALWAYS “dead”except for decades it looked really nice and/or agreeably kitchy and “cool”? Wasn’t the city in fact stillborn? (But a really CUTE stillborn?)

And now Los Angeles is STILL “dead” — but the undertaker make up has worn off and we’re seeing the rotten bones that were always there, PLUS the maggots that arrived recently?