5 Feet of Fury

Brian Lilley on Geert Wilders’ visit to Canada: ‘None of this looks very good’

He writes:

It’s not good to have what should be a non-partisan government hall rental agency passing judgment on political speech, neither is it good for a “free press” society to be shutting down the press.

UPDATE: Thanks to Mark Steyn for linking to the video of my appearance on Ezra Levant’s show yesterday.

To the person who wrote in, insisting that my casual attire wouldn’t “win any converts” — your kind of conformist thinking is the real problem.

Does the world really need another Coulter/Malkin Clone, or one of the leggy “end of the table” girls on Red Eye?

I dress for Ezra’s show as I do on any ordinary day — the way people like me dress. Kevin Smith doesn’t wear a suit onstage. Neither does Douglas Coupland or any number of Gen X media types.

I don’t follow other people’s rules. I make my own.