5 Feet of Fury

Ooops! ‘The Conservatives obtained only 31 per cent of the visible minority vote’

Which means “they voted 2-1 against the Conservatives.”

An alternative take on the recent Canadian election:

In reality, as Kevin Grace noted and others predicted Harper’s Conservatives won by consolidating the Anglophone Canadian vote – the Canadian equivalent of VDARE.com’s Sailer Strategy. True, there was some contemptible ethnic pandering, but the results of this were not decisive – except possibly in soothing the Canadian political establishment.

More wrongthink!

The global press was baffled by the success of an anti-immigration party in last month’s Finnish elections. Only dumb people ever worry about immigration, but Finland has the highest test scores in Europe: Does Not Compute!


Tancredo also criticized Paul for what Paul said in his book about our relationship with Muslims and the Middle East. Apparently Paul attributes the conflict to U.S. support for Israel and to our having “boots on the ground” in the several Muslim countries.

Those factors might contribute, but Tancredo pointed out that the Muslim Brotherhood was formed in 1928 — with all its ambitions to subjugate us infidels, worldwide — before such accusations about Israel’s existence and about putative U.S. provocations had any relevance.