5 Feet of Fury

The atheist’s comments are the only ones that make sense to me. Also the dude in the jeep. (bumped for UPDATES)

If the rest is “Christianity,” then, yeah, forget it.

Another atheist who makes more sense than the Christians. (VIDEO — p.s., his guest is a black guy, hence the “OJ” dig):

Also? Mormon smarter than Catholic priest. (VIDEO)

PLUS: Another idiotic Christian leader.

And I thought you lefties liked “diversity”? Jeez, make up your minds

Young conservatives and young liberals celebrated together, and downtown D.C. looked more like a football victory after-party than the nation’s capitol as students sang patriotic songs, screamed for joy and danced with each other into early Monday morning.

An American University student from India was chanting, “Brown people for America! We got OSAMA!”

Amazingly RELATED:

I have made a list of all Muslim countries that I know of who danced in the streets cheering for the death of Bin Laden.