5 Feet of Fury

My Pet Gloat: Bush’s seven minutes of silence vs Obama’s 16 hour delay


George Bush was relentlessly mocked for waiting seven minutes (actually waiting for his security detail to ready the exit and for his vehicle to be readied) before leaving the school he was visiting. He calmly finished reading My Pet Goat for the kids before going to his now-ready helicopter.

On the other hand, after Obama was told (most likely for the fifteenth time) that the CIA was really, really, really quite confident that Osama bin Ladin was at that compound in Abbottabad, he decided he needed to sleep on it.

Sixteen hours later (hours during which Osama might have fled– bear in mind, his courier’s name had just been outed by WikiLeaks), he made up his mind.

How does the media report this? Well…

But never mind. This is like the “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED” banner — I’ve heard servicemen explain that such banners were standard issue on all returning ships, like the cardboard “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” thing that lady in your office always puts up.

“Were” because liberal faux outrage ruined that harmless tradition.


The Left’s faux outrage over Bush’s My Pet Goat thing really reveals a lot about their attitudes towards child rearing.

Liberals always want kids to “know everything”: the clinical words for genitalia, the parent’s own given names, “daddy’s got a new boyfriend”, etc.

They think this is “healthy” and “progressive.”

However, here’s what one of the kids in that classroom said later:

“I think he was trying to keep everybody calm, starting with us… I think he was trying to protect us.”

Kids don’t really want their parents to be “happy” (i.e. divorced.) They don’t want to “decide on a religion when they grow up.”

They want to feel safe, and led.

UPDATE — amazingly related!

I can’t believe the same crowd that wanted Abu Ghraib pictures endlessly published find a photo confirming Osama bin Laden’s demise to be possibly inflammatory.