5 Feet of Fury

Phyllis Chesler on Lara Logan: ‘many hands… once again’

Phyllis Chesler writes:

With all due respect both for Logan’s terrible ordeal and for her choice to “break the silence,” how naive can she have been? How frightened is she still now? Does Logan fear she will lose her mainstream media credentials if she analyzes what happened to her in feminist and political terms?

I think she does. While she has told the truth about what happened to her, her careful, cautious, exceedingly politically correct presentation suggests that many hands were, once again, behind what she said and how she said it.

Muslim men also rape Muslim and infidel boys as well as foreign male journalists whom they also torture and behead. (Think Daniel Pearl.) There is a long history of Muslim men kidnapping, enslaving, selling, branding, and castrating infidel men as well as selling infidel women as sex slaves.

This is the history of Islamic imperialism and racism and the contemporary face and nature of jihad.

What are they teaching journalists in our universities? Does the mainstream media only view rape as a Western, American, and white male crime?