5 Feet of Fury

UK: man arrested for ‘racism’ after singing ‘Kung Fu Fighting’

Great. Now we ALL have to sing this stupid song, in solidarity.

I was always assured that Chinese immigrants would be less whiny than other ones, and that’s mostly been true, until recently.

Turns out they’re picking up on the many benefits of victimhood, too.

Well, what do you expect? They’re damn clever.

Also? The original song was performed by a black dude. It’s a part of black culture! Who’s the racist now?

PS: Ching CHONG, mother****ers!!

UPDATE: sad commentary of the day — on multiple levels — over at NRO:

My original text spelled “doo wopp” with only one P, as you’d normally see printed, but I got an automated messages saying it could not be posted “since it contains offensive language (the three-letter version of ‘wopp’ was included in parens here)”

I thought that was pretty amusing in the context of the story I was commenting on.

(For the record, I agree with blocking such slurs, which don’t belong in intelligent conversation. And to whomever thinks about replying to this: no, singing “Kung Fu Fighing” is not equvalent to using such epithets)
