5 Feet of Fury

This is who showed up for a Wikipedia Editors’ Meet Up. Any more questions?

Sorry, you still rely on Wikipedia because?

Hilariously, this means that — after 30 years spent diligently stripping any trace of “dead white males” out of higher education — 90% of the papers handed in at every North American college in 2011 contain huge chunks of information gleaned from a site overwhelmingly curated by…

Live white males.

OK, they’re liberals, but hey:

Ha ha ha! We’re like cockroaches, left wing bitches!

Anyway, speaking of which, Sailer adds:

The Triumph of the Nerds is one of the most important stories in human culture during my lifetime. Consider current trends such as: today’s youth don’t like to talk on the telephone. They’d rather communicate via electronic telegrams tapped out with their thumbs. That’s very strange.

If you had asked me 20 years ago, I would have guessed that the hot communication trend in 2011 would be portable picture phones to provide more lifelike interaction.

But, we live in an increasingly Aspergery age.

The rise of nerd culture might explain why Hispanics have had so little impact per capita on American culture.

For the last 40 years, I’ve been reading that now that the number of Latinos in America has reached 10 million 20 million 30 million 40 million 50 million, we’re all going to start paying more attention to Latinos and their vibrant culture real soon now.

But we haven’t, perhaps because Latino culture isn’t nerdy enough.