5 Feet of Fury

OK, I checked, and this is a real thing (Update: no, it isn’t)

A quick Google (which I DO NOT recommend) reveals that much more goes on at these particular bachelorette party events than this writer lets on. (NSFW)

Anyway, he seems obtuse about a lot of things:

Is cheating just a sexual act, or does it require some emotional betrayal, some cognizance of cruelty imparted by the cheater? And how and when do these things intersect? I don’t know or want to know the answer.


Sometimes I forget that, alas, not everybody went to Catholic school, where that kind of thing was covered in Grade 10.

UPDATE: a reader in the p$rn industry writes:

I don’t use them because the audio is so awful, but it’s all staged. I’m kind of amazed that somebody would run with that as the topic of an essay.

Interesting. The stuff I saw (before very quickly running away, admittedly) looked believable enough. The things they can do these days…

I guess the writer of the original piece was as reluctant to investigate this thoroughly as I was. So maybe that’s a good sign? We still have an “ick factor”?

The original author’s “confused” reaction to these “parties” is still relevant, and sadly commonplace:

“Gee, I’m disappointed to learn I’m kind of old fashioned instead of a cool hipster dude.”

Another example is this woman, writing in the very mainstream mag Marie Clare about getting her husband a threesome for his 40th birthday.

So yeah, I’m dumb for linking to the dancing bear thing — but just think: THESE people all voted for Obama.

So there. Although apparently we are all, liberal and conservative, united in our ability to believe the worst about the way the world is going…

I really hope this doesn’t turn into another Rainbow Party urban legend now.