5 Feet of Fury

Don’t bring a chainsaw to a Twitter fight: I call anti-Semitism on Elizabeth May’s bitching at Ezra Levant’s Earth Day stunt

So Ezra Levant just broadcast a CBC clip (what else?) of Green Party leader Elizabeth May cutting down a tree with a chainsaw, with help from (who else?) Rick Mercer, who shouts out, “Cut down that bitch!” as she aims for the trunk.

He aired that because May actually had the nerve to criticize Levant for “celebrating” Lenin’s Birthday Earth Day (a fake holiday promoted by Ira Einhorn, a hippie who murdered his girlfriend) by cutting down a shrub on TV.

A Twitter fight broke out and May put in:

@ezralevant doesn’t know a lot about nature…

HEY! Just what is THAT supposed to mean, HUH?

OK, so maybe there aren’t a lot of Jewish surnames on the Mountain Equipment Coop membership list (which made last year’s boycott particularly comical. Not to mention the accompanying “buy-cott” — “What?! I have to pay to shop here?”)

But everybody knows that Jewish kids are always going to summer camps, which (or so I gather from Friday the 13th movies — you don’t think I’ve ever set foot in such a place, do you? PS: Protestants send their kids to Bible summer camp. Bwa ha!) are usually located in the woods.

No, I don’t know why Jews of all people willingly flock to a thing called “a camp.” Go ask.

UPDATE — holy shit, how the hell did THIS happen?