Weekly Standard covers Guy Earle:
Speaking self-respect, I don’t know how anyone who serves on the Vancouver Human Rights Commission has any. This nonsense has got to stop. Canada has a rich comedy tradition and this just an affront to Canadian culture. What’s next? Are Human Rights Tribunals going to go after Mike Meyers for offending Scotsmen? Eugene Levy for demeaning dentists?
As I keep desperately trying to explain to everyone:
We are doomed.
Even so-called Canadian “conservatives” — the younger, university educated, beta male ones — have swallowed the politically correct, multi-culti bait.
Unlike me, they were raised in that atmosphere from kindergarten on. They’ve grown up to be low-tax liberals; they love “all the great restaurants,” think gay marriage is wonderful, believe Ezra Levant was kind of sort of correct but “mean” and “loud” (although they’re careerist hacks, so they’d never actually write that on their boring blogs in case Levant ever becomes PM); some of their best friends are whatever, blah blah blah.
The same disease has struck the once mighty national resource called comedy. This is not a uniquely Canadian phenomenon; I sent a link about Guy Earle to Punchline yesterday, and he thanked me and noted that they’d covered the Earle story last year. So I read the story. Here’s part of it:
Here’s what we think: We obviously don’t condone the act of making fun of people based on whom they like to have sex with—especially if it’s not done with any sense of tact, art or humor.
Wow, that’s just great, isn’t it? Particularly the “obviously.”
The rest of the piece is fine, but that’s the very first line of “argument” they present, desperate to present their gay-positive, p.c. credentials right up front.
Here in Canada, the comedy industrial complex — the clubs and the comics they exploit/”employ” — are, as I told you, even weenier:
But while Demers is concerned about free speech as it relates to his profession, he said he considers himself “as much invested in the fight against homophobia as in the fight for comedy,” and wouldn’t want to align himself with someone making hateful, homophobic comments.
“I’ve never been heckled by someone and said, ‘What’s their sexual orientation, or what’s their racial origin?’” he said.
Then guess what? You’re a ****ing faggot!
Evidently they’ve never heard of, well, any talented comic I can think of, all of whom are, by the way, far more successful than you are, beta boy (Scroll down)
Earle’s verdict coincided with the Wonkette-insults-Palin’s-baby mess. Steven Crowder speaks to other comics about this cluster**** as a comic himself. There’s a lot of good food for thought here, but I can’t agree with Crowder (and other conservatives) who’ve been equally desperate to play their “we LOVE us some Down Syndrome kids cuz we’re pro-life, yo!”
Hell, I watched a Larry The Cable Guy special last night. He used the word “retard” about ten times — and you just know his audience voted McCain Palin.
I go along with Nick DiPaolo: there are no “lines.” That said, I prefer Crowder confronting Louis C.K. — comic to comic — to the government going after Guy Earle any day.
UPDATE: EXTREME language warning, much of which is very similar to Earle’s admittedly lame comeback to his heckler. For someone whose been in the biz for 20 years, you’d think Earle would have better chops by now —