5 Feet of Fury

‘Conservative’ Ben Stein turns out to be just another ‘tikkun olam’ rich liberal Jew

I’m pretty sure Stein, like a lot of American Jews, voted for Obama because he was black, too.

Yesterday he told Dennis Miller we need to “redistribute the wealth.” (FREE audio)

Essential palate cleanser: Miller talks to Adam Carolla.

(PS: do I get to phone the airlines ahead of time and have Muslims removed from my flight…?)

Here’s the “Piers Morgan vivisection” in case you missed it:

Note: Piers Morgan has 77,000 viewers a night; Adam Carolla has 200,000 podcast downloads a day. But Piers Morgan called Adam Carolla a loser. Any more questions about MSM vs “new media”?

UPDATE: I’m ashamed to say that it took loyal 5FF reader Alexander of Hollywood to remind me of that 1990s TV show Win Ben Stein’s Money, or as some folks thought of it, The Jimmy Kimmel Show. Considering I’d added a Carolla bit to this post to begin with, I have to say: menopause is turning out to be a bitch already and it hasn’t even started!