5 Feet of Fury

America really should’ve picked its own cotton: best post on the racist attack on white girl at Mcdonalds

Short and bitter:

I love shoving it in the faces of the equalist tards and cheap chalupas revolutionaries who have intellectualized their status whoring and moral preening by carefully constructing a mountain of lies over the past fifty years.

Moral of the story: Ignore human nature at your peril. No amount of snark in the world will shield you from that reality.

Well said:

Snark is a lousy shield, hipsters.

UPDATE — This is getting good:

Some folks are saying the victim is a transvestite. In fact, that seems to be the perps’ defence. (“He tried to pee in our bathroom!”)

We officially need a new word for “awesome.”

So now were faced with the kind of diversity standoff we “racists” have been warning about for years:

Two black women (double minorities) attack a transvestite. He may be a white male (boo!) BUT we all know gay/trans people have extra super special status under hate crime laws.

One Magical, Mystical, Do-No-Wrong Pet Minority Victim vs another.

Who oh who to root for, if you are a Guilty White Liberal?!

Will there be a McDonald’s Project — a Pulitzer Prize winning play/book/HBO special/charitable foundation/colored ribbon/annual liberal church sermon about the poor misunderstood gay guy who was almost beaten to death — in evil corporate “Supersize Me!” villain McDonald’s, no less?

(Remember how lefties jumped all over that McDonald’s shooting spree about 20 years ago, and how they literally savored saying the name of the location of the murders?)

Ha. You’re kidding, right? No household-name status for the victim here.

Reginald Denny was a fluke; he got bashed before the memos got sterner, and the employees of the MSM got younger i.e., more already-brainwashed.

The perps in this case weren’t white.


If the victim here REALLY is a transvestite/transsexual, then there is MORE evidence of “homophobia” at work in this case than there was with Matthew Shepard.

But I can already hear the crickets chirping.

Scratch that: I hear the next worst thing — silence. Deafening, ain’t it?