5 Feet of Fury

Weird Al’s Lady Gaga song parody won’t be on his next album (but you can hear it here)


I will go to my grave convinced that “Born This Way” was written for Madonna about ten years ago and she turned it down. Lady Gaga stole her entire act from Madonna, Hedwig... and Hazel O’Connor.


Huzzah! Looks like I won’t have to burn my Lady Gaga CDs (just kidding. Do they even still make CDs?) because Weird Al’s Lady Gaga parody was approved by Mother Monster herself. As Al explained on his blog yesterday, “Apparently the fact that she didn’t approve it was news to Lady Gaga herself! Gaga’s manager has now admitted that he never forwarded my parody to Gaga – she had no idea at all.” Cut to Gaga’s now-ex-manager sprinting through the forest with a thirty-minute head start.