5 Feet of Fury

Mark Steyn: ‘President Obama always sinks to the occasion’

Mark Steyn tells Hugh Hewitt:

I keep getting told…every time we get a disappointment, where Republicans don’t take a stand, we’re told oh, don’t worry about it. Next time is where the real battle is. Next time is where the real battle is.

Next time is now. Not just for the Republican party, but for the United States of America.

And that’s why this party has to act as if there are things it believes in, in the way that the Democrats do. The Democrats went to the mat for Planned Parenthood funding. (…)

You know, which in the scheme of things, to Democrats, can’t be that important. But actually for them, it is a bedrock issue, and they stand on it. And that is what our guys have to start learning to do.

(FREE audio.)