5 Feet of Fury

‘Differences in family background suggest themselves as causes’

Sailer on Andrew Fergusons’ new book, and long standing worldview:

Contrast how much brilliant fun Tom Wolfe has had with race going back four decades to Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers versus how little Ferguson has had more recently.

When it comes to race, Ferguson is an old-fashioned liberal Republican, high-minded to the point of obliviousness. (…)

Ferguson is puzzled why almost nobody objects to this trend [quietly reviving “affirmative action” for white college applicants]. Ironically, although he likes to think of himself as urbane and world-weary, he really doesn’t get why liberal colleges would do such a thing.

That’s because he only vaguely recognizes how financially dependent universities, those juggernauts of liberalism, are upon admitting enough white male conservatives to eventually become wealthy alumni donors.

Unpublished statistical analyses by colleges have revealed that their most generous graduates tend to be competitive white males with team spirit and loyalty—in short, nature’s conservatives. From an admissions standpoint, the most likely future donors are smart white legacy jocks.

USC, for instance, last month announced a $200,000,000 donation from an old shotputter whose parents were also USC grads. David Dornsife, Class of ’65, majored in business while on the national champion USC track & field team, then made a fortune in the steel fabrication business in Fresno. I don’t know anything about Mr. Dornsife’s political or social views, but I’ll bet that they are more conservative than those of the average USC professor.

White males are by far the biggest donors to college endowments. But nobody on campus will ever say anything good about white males as a group.