5 Feet of Fury

Must be Monday: National Post steals from bloggers again (UPDATE: Steyn weighs in)

We’re all a bunch of “racists” and “fascists” — but if we do the grunt work they were too lazy or stupid to bother with (i.e. exposing the real racists and fascists), the Establishment steals the story and takes the credit, while we get the death threats and lawsuits.

PS: If Bernie Farber goes ahead with his criminal charges against that Muslim site, I will repost the David Duke video in question on my blog.

I have no time for David Duke or witless Muslim parasites, but censorious bullies like the Official Jews are arguably a greater immediate threat to freedom.

Oh, and Bernie: I thought I was the biggest racist ever. Now you’re calling David Duke “the most despicable neo-Nazi in North America.” You two-timer! It’s him or me, bub. I’m waiting… (taps shoe impatiently…)

UPDATE — Mark Steyn writes:

Kathy Shaidle is right. This is a classic media trajectory: Something goofy happens — in this case, a prominent Muslim organization posts a David Duke video; a couple of bloggers start looking into it, and a week later the snooty old legacy media picks up the story after all the legwork’s been done for them. (…)

The real issue, as Blazing Cat Fur points out, is how plugged in this Muslim organization is to everyone who matters in Trudeaupia — photo ops with Liberal MPs, Toronto’s police chief, the NDP leader… How disgusting does a “mainstream” Muslim organization have to be for Bill Blair and Jack Layton to decline to be photographed with them?

That’s the disgrace. But, because Bernie is also on the multiculti back-scratching circuit, he can’t even see that.