5 Feet of Fury

‘Have you ever met an objectivist who was NOT a monumental douchebag?’

Via TheGloss.com:

I guess the thing that I find most troubling about Ayn Rand and obectivism in general is that it seems to only really work well in the little world Ayn Rand has created. Where the people are beautiful and brilliant and totally self sufficient. AND – I think this is interesting – where no one gets sick or has kids. Because I think even if you are beautiful and brilliant, those are situations where you’re going to have to be selfless or rely on the selflessness of others.


I guess it all just seems like too cocky a philosophy to me. I mean, does anyone read this article and think “whoa, that dad is John Galt, I want to be him?” I feel like objectivists who want to emulate the characters in Rand’s books are like those dorky guys who wear a fedora because they think it makes them Don Draper…

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