5 Feet of Fury

‘It’s not every day that a sitting president takes cues from a sex columnist who once licked Gary Bauer’s doorknob’

A Lutheran pastor ponders Dan Savage’s twenty years of influence:

But for all his prowess as an advice writer and viral activist, Savage’s most lasting influence on American culture may ultimately register in a deeper and more enduringly significant realm: ethics. While he built his following by talking without fear or euphemism about the technical aspects of intimate life, Savage has moved inexorably over the years toward focusing on the moral ones. In so doing, he has carved a unique place for himself in the culture’s discourse about sex. For years, there have been moralizing voices on the right standing athwart the rush of sexual freedoms yelling “Stop,” and there have been others whose policy is to remain nonjudgmental toward sex as a form of expression. Savage yields to no one in his sexual libertarianism, but he has not been content to relegate the ideas of right and wrong to cultural conservatives. Wading deep into the free-fire zone of modern sexuality, he has codified a remarkably systematic—and influential—set of ethics where traditional norms have fallen away. The question is, into what kind of world do his ethics lead us?

(Alas, this thoughtful piece is flawed by one thing: it seems this pastor isn’t aware of the fact that Kinsey’s “findings” have largely been debunked, and were often acquired through criminal means.)