5 Feet of Fury

Gilbert Gottfried does the only thing he CAN do (video)

(Actually, the “top down” thing was something JFK said himself.)

(Also: David Letterman got booed in the late 1980s/early 90s for making a Lincoln assassination joke.)

So some of you are asking, what about the Holocaust? No prob…

9/11? He’s way ahead of you…

UPDATE — I forgot: last night I watched Give It Up for Greg Giraldo. That Comedy Central special is now on YouTube in four parts.

Frankly, the interviews with his fellow comics are WAY more interesting to me than the choppy clips of his performances. It might have been better to show fewer but much longer clips of him, as built-up energy that you’d get watching one entire roast bit was missing. (But that stare-down with Dennis Leary was awesome!)