5 Feet of Fury

‘I know nothing about real-life Gorean slavery among some people in the BDSM community’

I brought this up this topic at a Liberty Seminar about John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty, during our discussion of his chapter asking if a man could sell himself into slavery. Somehow I doubt I will be invited to attend another.

At any rate, I assume the author of the Gor novels by now has tenure at CUNY…

To be sure, the slave must understand that if she is not pleasing, she is subject to discipline. She is not to be left in doubt that she is a slave. It is easy to avoid discipline; she need only be obedient, submissive, and found pleasing, wholly, and in all ways. Sometimes a slave may desire to be reassured of her bondage. There are many ways in which the master, if he wishes, may see to this. I have written an entire book, the Imaginative Sex book, in which my views on such matters should be reasonably clear.

Ah, yes, the splendor and the majesty that is Hollywood!

I had, in theory, a consultancy in connection with the films, and, as I recall, I wrote up something like sixty to eighty single-spaced pages of comments, criticisms, suggestions, grumbles, gasps of astonishment, shrieks of dismay, proposals, and such. As I recall the only change made was in connection with my suggestion that we change one of the character’s names.

It was originally ‘Zeno’. In philosophy there are two famous Zenos, one the putative founder of Stoicism, and one the disciple of Parmenides, famed for constructing a series of classical paradoxes, Achilles and the Tortoise, and such. As I am fond of these Zenos I suggested we find another name for the film character.

The name was changed from Zeno to Xeno, pronounced the same way.

It was nice to have an input.