5 Feet of Fury

Harsanyi’s last column for the Denver Post

David Harsanyi writes:

The Times reported that this was the first bombing “inside Jerusalem in four years” (also untrue, incidentally).

The Associated Press posted its piece on the bombing and packaged it with a picture of an Arab who had died in an earlier, unrelated air strike — precipitated by the rockets launched from autonomous Gaza ruled by Hamas. (…)

If Reuters were faithfully accurate and impartial, it would . . . well, it would actually cover the murders. Then it would use more exact words like “disputed” rather than “occupied,” and mention that the process has been frozen since the late 1940s due to unremitting Arab violence.

Then again, if you can’t muster the journalistic backbone to refer to those who slit the throats of 3-month-old babies or detonate explosives at bus stations “terrorists,” that’s probably too much to ask.