The two locomotives that “Official Jew” Bernie Farber has been driving at full speed his entire adult life — the forced spread of both multiculturalism and Holocaust-ianity — have finally collided and derailed, causing a gigantic toxic explosion, as they were always doomed to do.
And I couldn’t be more thrilled.
I would have gladly told him this would happen, but I’m just a stupid “racist” working class whore shiksa “white supremacist,” who doesn’t have a fancy degree or an Order of Canada, or any respect for people just because they do.
So he never bothered to ask me. They never do. And they never learn.
Well, it makes perfect sense. If you ask “diversity”-indoctinated Canuckis if they think all “holocausts” should be treated “equally,” what the heck do you think they’re going to say?
Here’s a better polling question: Do you as a Canadian taxpayer want to be on the hook for paying for this moneypit, this ill-conceived laughingstock of a “museum,” forever?