5 Feet of Fury

Saying nice things about hookers now a ‘Canadian value’!

Boy, that goddam Chater just keeps getting longer by the day. First “multiculturalism,” then “gay ‘marriage,'” and now the latest penumbric emanation:

Not making jokes about ugly prostitutes!

How thrilled is Wilfred Laurier right now?

Yep, that’s what we’re fighting in Afghanistan to protect, you narcissistic broads: your hurt feelings!

And shame on Feschuk for being such a pussy. The “tone” police are after Maclean’s again, but unlike some people, Feschuk caved, and over far less. That’s a Liberal “male” for you.

PS: ladies, you aren’t firefighters. If your (blow)jobs put you “constantly as risk,” don’t expect any sympathy from me. Just find a safer line of work — one that doesn’t involve meeting up with strange men and operating on the boundaries of legality.

The fact is: people DO care less if hookers get killed, because you have already placed yourselves outside the boundaries of lawful society and its admittedly imperfect built-in protections and norms.

Prostitutes love to wail about “hypocrisy” — that judges and politicians and clergy are their best customers. I don’t doubt it for a second.

But hypocrisy (besides being every knee-jerk liberal’s favorite, tiresome, sin) works both sides of the street, as it were.

You’re a hypocrite for wanting Society to protect you and leave you alone at the same time.

Even the dumbest skateboarding kid doing a faceplant on Jackass doesn’t then go on to complain about the hardness of sidewalks.