5 Feet of Fury

Melanie Philips investigated for calling Muslim baby killers ‘savages’

From my “Arabs are violent retards” files:

Melanie Phillips’ Spectator blogpost titled ‘Armchair barbarism’ prompted complaints to the PCC. Photograph: Sarah Lee for the Guardian

A Melanie Phillips blogpost on the Spectator website which referred to the “moral depravity” of Arab “savages” is being investigated by the Press Complaints Commission. (…)

Inayat Bunglawala, chair of Muslims4UK, said: “Her words went far beyond just denouncing the killings. It was a far more generalised racist outburst against Arabs as a whole.

If you insert the word ‘Jew’ or ‘Jewish’ where she has referred to Arabs then I am sure she would have no doubt that those words would be antisemitic. Just as she abhors antisemitism it is important that she maintains the same vigorous anti-racist stance against Arabs. It is just unacceptable to use that kind of language.”

Bunglawala said he had also complained to the police about the column.

Actually, no, sweetie. Your typical leftist parallelism is faulty.



See how easy it is?

And he went to the police. But of course.

(Rather like A Certain Person who complained to the police when the JDL screened “Fitna” here in Toronto. Funny, that…)

Halt Muslim immigration to the West. NOW.

UPDATE — R.S. McCain writes:

One need take no side in the larger dispute over Israeli settlements to say that this act of lawless brutality against the Fogel family (killing the parents and three children, including an infant) was committed by “savages.” And that the savages in question were Arabs, there is no dispute.

But as I said to him via email:  welcome to my world — and interestingly, that of another British commentator, circa Feb 2009:

For reasons best known to himself, The National Post’s Chris Selley chose to pick a fight with the few people who want to ensure that Aqsa Parvez’s short life is memorialized by something more than the plot number of an unmarked grave.  (…)

Mr Selley specifically objects to Kathy Shaidle calling Arabs “violent retards”. Well, to revive an old device that availed me nought at the British Columbia show trial, “of course” not all Arabs are violent retards, but Arab culture is certainly both violent and retarded. It’s politically retarded, intellectually retarded, scientifically retarded, judicially retarded, economically retarded, retarded on almost every objective measurement, from women’s rights to free speech. The famous statistic from the United Nations’ Arab Human Development Index (2003) – that more books are translated into Spanish in an average year than have been translated into Arabic in the last millennium — is itself a good working definition of “retarded”, of a culture that recoils from inquiry and curiosity about the other.

And, as I know from many conversations in London and Paris and (more covertly) in Amman and Cairo, those individual Arabs who are not “violent retards” well understand that — even if the PC eunuchs don’t. When Robert Kilroy-Silk made some observations about the Arab penchant for amputations, repression of women and a generally celebratory attitude to 9/11 – none of which is factually in dispute – the BBC fired him.