5 Feet of Fury

Guy who wants to be Prime Minister of Canada: ‘There’s no such thing as an honor killing’

Yep, I know what he’s trying to say.

But millions of ignorant Muslims around the world be now be gloating:

“Even the next Prime Minister of Canada, a world-renowned expert and author on ‘human rights,’ says honor killings don’t exist.”

Semantics is a kind of liberal masturbation. Playing with words is what they do instead of acting like men.

UPDATE — Mark Steyn writes:

Who’s playing “word games” here? “Honor killing” is itself a euphemism useful in backward societies that regard half their human capital as chattels whose best-before date is preserved by only taking them out in extensive gift-wrap. But western leaders should not be so neutered by political correctness that they feel obliged to euphemize the euphemisms.

The old Ignatieff, the furrowed-browed black-polonecked BBC telly thinker of 20 years ago, would have despised the jelly-spined pandering identity-group wardheeler liberal politics has made of him.