5 Feet of Fury

Ezra Levant: ‘I’m going to miss Matthew Good’

Ezra Levant writes:

For those who aren’t part of Generation X, Good is a Vancouver pop star, scheduled to come out with a new album later this month. But Monday on his Facebook page, he made a stunning announcement: He is against electricity. (…)

There are some show business types who actually live their creed. Quirky actor Ed Begley Jr. is one of them. He lives in a small house by Hollywood standards, uses an exercise bike to power his toaster, and putts around in electric go-karts. It’s a bizarre, inefficient and impractical lifestyle, which is why only an eccentric millionaire can afford to do it. But at least, unlike Good, he’s practising what he preaches. (…)

Good’s website’s home page is a gorgeous photo of a concert stage — bathed in dazzling spotlights. His blog details the dozens of cities he has travelled to for concerts. The man has the carbon footprint of a small village. Yet he condemns electrical power. (…)

Good’s fatuous claims about mankind’s glorious past before electricity aren’t just a jarring contrast to his own high-powered lifestyle. They’re also factually false.

Before electricity, mankind’s state of affairs was bleak. Life expectancy 200 years ago was just 35. Good is 39 years old and should think about that.