5 Feet of Fury

Take that, Macleans haters: UCLA also ‘too Asian’! (NOW with ‘Asian big boobs’ video PLUS death threat + BONUS Peter Chao UPDATE)

Also? This girl was in the library!

UPDATE: a reader sends this in, with the subject line “I BLAME SARAH PALIN!”

Alexandra Wallace, a third-year Political Science student at UCLA, says she has received death threats since a video rant about Asian students using their phones inside the library went viral in recent days.

I’m willing to bet ten bucks that EVERY death threat was made by uppity leftwing white people.

Cuz everybody knows those Asians don’t issue death threats. They just creep up on ya. They’re sneaky that way.

UPDATE — Ha, choke on this, UCLA:


UPDATE — Now FIRE’s been forced to step in:

Wallace’s short video fails to meet the thresholds of severity and pervasiveness required under both Davis and UCLA’s policy. Moreover, the video does not substantially impair (if it impairs at all) anyone’s access to anything at UCLA. Of course, students can choose to watch or not as they see fit. (…)

While it is permissible to open an investigation of student expression on the basis of complaints that, if true, would be actionable by UCLA, the investigation must cease immediately as soon as the speech is determined to be protected, as is the case here. Anything else would serve to unconstitutionally chill expression at UCLA. (…)

FIRE urges you to immediately end the disciplinary investigation of Wallace’s video and, to avoid sustaining the chilling effect of this investigation on campus, announce to the UCLA community that protected speech will not be investigated or punished at UCLA. FIRE hopes to resolve this situation amicably and swiftly; please respond to FIRE by Thursday, March 31, 2011.

UPDATE — uncannily related!