5 Feet of Fury

Still no rioting in Japan for some bizarre reason no one can quite figure out

I KNOW it can’t have anything to do with that weird DNA stuff that determines what color we are and what diseases we get but NOT how we behave in ANY way, nosireebob…


On Reason.com, Jesse Walker compares the panicky reactions of fictional Japanese in a Godzilla movie to the stoic reactions of real-life Japanese to the latest earthquake/tidal wave activity…


The refusal of Japanese to panic and run is what made the War In The Pacific so long and hard, Iwo Jima in particular. George Macdonald Fraser was in Burma in 1945, and the first time he heard that SIX individual Japanese had come out of a bunker with THEIR hands up, some of his comrades refused to believe it.

But it’s also made their reaction to natural disasters much more orderly and peaceful than what the United States experienced after Katrina.