5 Feet of Fury

Then what are YOU doing here, you stupid foreigner?

At Toronto’s inaugural IAW hate event this year, Chadni Desai, speaking on behalf of the organizers, announced:

“We as the organizers of Israeli Apartheid Week in Toronto believe that we cannot speak meaningfully about Israeli apartheid without speaking first about the realities of apartheid here in Canada. Canada’s reservation system and the treatment of indigenous peoples is (sic) closely studied by the planners of apartheid in South Africa, although this is a hidden chapter of our history. (…)

“If you are with us in opposition to Israeli Apartheid, we encourage your consistent opposition to apartheid right here in Canada. .. From Palestine to Turtle Island there is no justice on stolen land.”

Jay Currie duly responds:

Yo, Chadni Desai, how about the old last in first out rule? If you are so damned concerned about the reservation system and the genocide of indigenous peoples in Canada why don’t you pack your butt back to the land of your ancestors…