5 Feet of Fury

Julie Burchill: University? Why bother, when the privileged few get all the good jobs?

College is a waste of time and money. Drop out:

I am always amused to read my Fellow Female Columnists berating today’s young women for wishing to be rich and famous, and to make an easy, lush living – preferably by seeking a career in the entertainment industry – rather than strive towards undoubtedly worthwhile careers, such as teaching or medicine.

Just why my FFCs chose not to strive for careers in teaching and medicine themselves but instead chose column-writing – showbusiness for plain people – as a way to make an easy, lush living and become rich-ish and famous-ish remains a mystery.

Unless you are going to do something specific like medicine, teaching or digging up old dinosaur bones, I’m damned if I can see any point in university. The dynasties have a hold on all the easy, fun, well-paid jobs now – politics, journalism, acting, modelling. (…)

Universities have become for the most part holding pens for kids who would otherwise be swelling the ranks of the unemployed.