5 Feet of Fury

Another person who lost a ton of weight simply by giving up ‘soda’ (as they call it in the US)

I posted on my experience with this a while back.

I also got this email from a (male) loyal reader:

I gave up Coke myself a couple of years ago. I was wearing 3XL shirts, weighed 350, and when I discovered that that was what I actually weighed, one of the first things down the disposal chute was what was left of a 12-pack of real Coke, the kind with the red cardboard sides, and the real sugar, and 140 calories–or 1400 if you drink ten of them.

I now weigh 204…

So today, here’s a now-grown-up/less chubby star of Stand By Me, saying that was the ONE thing he did to lose weight.

And I got a ton of tweets assuring me that Coke Zero is indistinguishable from real Coke, so I’ll have to try it. But after all these years, real Coke tastes weird to me on the rare occasions I have one. I rarely finish a can.