5 Feet of Fury

But I thought the Muslim Brotherhood in Canada was ‘moderate’!

Flashback #1: Falling on your ass in Canadian politics?

Flashback #2: Offering advice to idealistic young kids

Fast forward to today:

Behold, a new report from Pointe de Bascule, detailing “the links between the Muslim Brotherhood and Gaddafi’s WICS (World Islamic Call Society) in Canada”:

In 2008, the BC Human Rights Tribunal heard a complaint lodged by Mohamed Elmasry and Naiyer Habib of the Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC) against Roger’s Publishing for having printed an excerpt from Mark Steyn’s book America Alone  in Maclean’s magazine. In his book, Steyn expressed his concerns about the global ambitions of Islam for world domination and commented on the implications of large waves of Muslim immigration in the West.

The complainants claimed that by reproducing an excerpt of Steyn’s book, Roger’s Publishing had exposed Muslims in British Columbia to hatred and contempt, contrary to human rights’ law. They were asking for financial compensation from the publisher.

To make his point, Steyn quoted the 2006 speech made by Muammar Gaddafi in Timbuktu (reproduced above) in which he said that “the fifty million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades”.

WICS and IIIT scholar Mahmoud Ayoub was called by the complainants as an expert on Islam in order to assert that Steyn was wrong about the religion. The Tribunal decision reports that Ayoub challenged Steyn, and stated that “as part of their beliefs, adherents of Islam are not exhorted to conspire to take over the world”.

The irony is that Steyn had been quoting Gaddafi, whom Ayoub has been serving and giving credibility to as a member of WICS. The connections between Ayoub, WICS and Gaddafi seem to have been unknown to Mark Steyn’s lawyers. While liveblogging at the Tribunal for Macleans, Andrew Coyne did not bring up the issue either.

UPDATE — Naturally, Mark Steyn has a comment.