5 Feet of Fury

‘The only practical way to make peace (…) is for the Israelis to transfer the Palestinians and take their land’

From John Hawkins’ “Five Things You Can’t Say in America”:

There’s a simple reason why the Israelis and Palestinians have never been able to reach a peace agreement: it’s because the Palestinians are part of a sick, twisted, death cult.

Their “nation” is run by terrorists who openly admit that their goal is to destroy Israel and the average person on the street is a monster who wants to kill Israelis more than he or she loves his own children. Speaking of the children in that country, before they can even stand on their own two feet, they’re being taught that the grandest thing that they can ever do in life is blow themselves up and take some Israelis with them. No wonder the Israelis can’t get along with these people. No one could. Imagine the family from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre times a few million and you have the sort of neighbors Israel has to deal with.

When our ancestors started dealing with Indians who massacred and tortured settlers, they either bought their land, took their land at the point of a gun, or just killed them all and took their land.

Although genocide is no longer a morally acceptable choice, the Israelis would be perfectly justified in driving the Palestinians into the surrounding countries at gunpoint and taking their land.

That would not be something the Israelis would relish doing and it would probably lead to another war between them and their neighbors, but the only other options are to allow the maniacs next door to continue to murder Israelis ad infinitum or for the Israelis to simply give up on having a state. Of the three options, transferring the Palestinians, bloody and troublesome though it may be, would seem to be the best choice.