5 Feet of Fury

Toronto: ‘Asians’ plot how to make people want to go to school with them EVEN LESS!

And an hour after the meeting? They were all hungry again!

Blog Wrath gets put on the Free B*** J**s For Life List. Above and beyond, the call, dude. Above and beyond…

An event named Race in Media and Higher Education: a Town Hall took place on February 15 at OISE, Toronto’s Mecca of political correctness. It was organized by OISE’s anti-racism units, the University of Toronto student union, Chinese National Canadian Council, some trade union and other questionable organizations.

Frankly, before I arrived, I thought that was some kind of a general discussion on race. I was surprised to find out that it was a witch-hunt gathering specifically organized to attack two publications’ right to free speech, namely MacLean’s magazine and Toronto Star for publishing “racist” articles. I would never thought I live to see the day when the lefties accuse Toronto Star of racism (after all that rich rag would publish any Canada-bashing materials to appease the “vulnerable”).

The only consolation, which prevented the event from turning into a horror show, was that Olivia Chow somehow missed it…

Some other dumb broad showed up, though:

Is this a free speech issue? No, because there are limits, not all speech is acceptable. Promoting division is not what the Canadian journalism is all about. Canadian journalism is less sensational than its American counterpart and we should keep it that way. She supported her observation with a quote from Michael Moore. In his documentary “Bowling for Columbine”, he compared the very crime rate of Detroit with a virtual lack of crime in Windsor. He concluded that Canada has fewer crimes because of the better media.

Actually, sweetcheeks, there’s something else about Detroit that’s different from Windsor. Guess what it is?!

But if you seriously think Windsor’s safer than Detroit because “Canada has better media,” why not try out your theory in 8 Mile?

When five guys try to rape you, all ya gotta do is hold up the Fashion section of the Globe & Mail!