5 Feet of Fury

Michael Berry: typical straight talk about ‘racism’ (video)

I love this guy. Frankly, sometimes I can’t believe he’s still on the air, he’s so honest. If I was in charge, Michael Berry would have a daily TV show.

(I’d link to Berry more often, but his website doesn’t have permalinks. Hint.)

Last week, I was having a hellish day, and Berry put up a photo of his latest “invention”: The Redneck Smoke Detector.

It was a thing of Jiffypop Popcorn nailed above a doorway.

I laughed out loud, and made it through the rest of the afternoon.

Here’s Berry from a few days ago, talking about how we talk about race. He’s so far ahead of even some “conservatives,” it’s breathtaking. (That is: he talks like normal people did fifty years ago. That’s what passes for “ahead” now.)